Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Ponce Inlet Lighthouse

The Ponce Inlet Lighthouse is a "must-see" attraction. Enter through the gift shop to purchase your tickets at the counter inside. Daily admission is $6.95 for adults and $1.95 for kids under 11 years of age. Infants & toddlers (newborn to 2 years) are admitted free with paid adult. 

You can tour the grounds of Ponce Inlet Lighthouse at your own pace. On average, it takes about 1-1/2 to 2 hours to visit everything. Explore the houses and buildings where the lighthouse keepers lived and worked. It's amazing to learn about the challenges and struggles the people faced. There was no electricity or running water and the area was rather isolated. It makes you realize how courageous they must have been. On the other hand, they certainly had one incredible view!

If you're adventurous, you can climb to the top of the lighthouse -- if you're willing to climb 203 stairs. I did climb all of those stairs the first time I visited, but thought I would need an oxygen mask by the time I got to the top. I can't even begin to imagine doing that every day, let alone carrying all the gear they needed to transport with them.

If you have a health problem, it's probably best if you skip the climb. But, if you're willing to give it a try, the pay-off is absolutely breathtaking!

Be sure to visit the Lens Exhibit Building before you leave the grounds. They have a fully restored rotating lens that was originally used at Cape Canaveral. You'll be amazed at the craftsmanship, beauty and size of this lens.

Before you head out, spend some time in the gift shop. They have some of the coolest nautical stuff! Not only will you find unique gifts and souvenirs, you'll also find beautiful lighthouses, pictures, jewelry and loads of knick knacks.

Ponce Inlet Lighthouse
4931 S. Peninsula Drive, Ponce Inlet, Florida

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